I am Old Enough to Remember When Formula 1 Sucked

On Wednesday, Formula 1 officially announced a race on the Las Vegas strip in 2023. The track layout features a significant portion of the famous Las Vegas strip including Caesars Palace and the Bellagio. I could not help but thinking one thing. Jackpot.

Formula 1 in the United States has languished in irrelevancy for decades. The Schumacher era did not register a blip. Title fights and great races in the 2007 and 2008 seasons did nothing. Even when DVR’s made F1 more accessible for curious fringe fans, ratings remained low. Lewis Hamilton may have caused ripples of interest in the masses but nowhere near to the level reflective of his talent.

No matter how many times Steve Matchett tried to rile up excitement about a visor tear off getting sucked in the leaders air intake, it never happened. As a frustrated F1 fan watching ugly cars and bad racing I sometimes felt like that floating tear away. Waiting for the air box void to suck me in and just end it.

Then something wonderful happened/s, Corporate America stepped in.

Liberty Media acquired Formula 1. Race broadcasts rights were purchased by ESPN. And little by little, the controlling influence of the sport shifted from big name manufacturers, to the health of the sport itself.

Lewis Hamilton – full swag

More unique tracks were added and Drivers began to show their personalties and rivalries emerged. Drive to Survive and Netflix brought the sport to the mainstream smashing carbon in living rooms making midfield drivers like Daniel Ricciardo a household name.

So here we are. With regulations that encourage on track battles for race wins. With cameras inside the drivers visor. With 3 races in the United States that will all sell out and take place in front of record crowds.

I used to post to Social Media maybe 3 times a year about Formula 1. Trying to find another unfortunate soul in my circle willing to wake up at 4am to watch Hungaroring Free Practice sessions. Posts about Monaco and its glamour or the occasional chaos of a forecasted wet race that almost always resulted in a bone dry event.

Now my group chats are FILLED with F1 talk, memes, GOAT debates, tinfoil hat theories. I get DM’s about Formula 1 posts, and have legitimate water cooler talks with coworkers about races and Draft Kings.

I feel like Andy Dufrain after crawling through the shit of the Brawn season, suffering the likes of HRT and Marussia teams, and those god-awful stepped drooped noses. We have made it. Formula 1 is relevant in the US and it is ACTUALLY GOOD.

Next stop, the moon!

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